The Jesus Brand
The Jesus Brand
“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:35
If you are a consumer anywhere in western civilization, you are no doubt exposed to branding. Marketing strategist will use branding to pull you to a specific product,image,idea or even thought. Branding can personify individuals and project their characteristics many times and authenticate them.
Brands are easily recognized in all industries such as Oil, Automotive,Medical,Food,Clothing
And many others. A certain logo or a phrase associated with a brand rarely goes unnoticed by the general public. Like I mentioned, many celebrities have a brand that they use and thus monetize themselves greatly.
Can you remember last time that you used a high profile brand product that made you feel
That it was something special and it made you feel special too?
Having a brand is not easy, it requires sacrifice of time,resources but mostly your self- image.
There are good brands and bad brands both are on the shelve together in the marketplace,
But it is up to the consumer to make a choice which product or idea will work best for their needs.
In the word of God, the disciples were called to follow Jesus, they were drawn to him because of his brand= Messiah, Lord, Savior.
Jesus was sent with the purpose of God to redeem man and Jesus carried this calling or brand all the way to Calvary to fulfill that plan.
Now we as believers are heirs to that same brand, “The Jesus Brand”.
And the way we show we have this branding is by having love one for another.
There is no room for selfishness when love is involved.
Love draws out the Jesus Brand in us so others can know him intimately.
“God so loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son( The Jesus Brand)that
Whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life”.
Branded for life.
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