
Showing posts from 2016

12 things I don't want this Christmas

here is my " I Don't want list 'Santa! 1. I don't want to take anyday for granted,but be thankful for the opportunity to bless others. 2. I don't want to judge others. 3. I don't want to be insensitive when it will destroy relationships. 4. I don't want negative people to influence    my life. 5. I don't want to not pray everyday. 6. I don't want to not pursue the will of God. 7. I don't want to not improve the quaility of my life. 8. I don't want to not cover my family in prayer. 9. I don't want to not let my light shine. 10. I don't want to give place to the enemy. 11. I don't want fear to control me. 12. I don't want to forget this list I made.

The Jesus Brand

The J esus Brand “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 If you are a consumer anywhere in western civilization, you are no doubt exposed to branding. Marketing strategist will use branding to pull you to a specific product,image,idea or even thought.  Branding can personify individuals and project their characteristics many times and authenticate them. Brands are easily recognized in all industries such as Oil, Automotive,Medical,Food,Clothing And many others.  A certain logo or a phrase associated with a brand  rarely goes unnoticed by the general public. Like I mentioned, many  celebrities have a brand that they use and thus monetize themselves greatly. Can you remember last time that you used a high profile brand product that made you feel That it was something special and it made you feel special too? Having a brand is not easy, it requires sacrifice of  time,resources but mostl...

Hope for the hopeless

In recent months many communities and urban cities have been labeled as being hopeless. These neighborhoods have this labeling because many of the traits that its inhabitants display are considered to be hopeless or without hope. .Hopelessness is a direct result of a situation in which a Community may exist in. When people are hopeless they sometimes do desperate things in the midst of that hopelessness in order to survive. Many times that move of desperation is not positive and will not bring forth positive results unless someone or something has built trust into Their lives. . That trust is all about love and respect for our fellow man. Many people do not respect or trust anything or anyone. but that's living in fear in fear sometimes brings about desperation and that desperation can causes irrational Behavior, resentment, hatred,and ignorance toward each other. When Jesus ministered he always ministered to the heart and spirit of others. Even when he performe...

Who,what,when, how to pray

The Who should Pray Praying to God should not be an option for those who are inT he kingdom of God . But truly they understand and know that God hears their petitions. But sinners also have the opportunity to pray and ask God for help and save them from their sins through the blood of Jesus By confessing and receiving the gift of salvation. We cannot be afraid to go to God in prayer even if we are unsure of his answer, But we can be assured the answer will always be just and it will be the answer that is best for us.    The What to Pray Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26 The When to Pray The Bible clearly states that we are to always pray, But that doesn't mean to do nothing else but pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says to Pray without ceasing and to carry on  stated ...

Behind CLosed Doors

There is little doubt that we live in the world that requires security when it comes to our  private and personal life. Without security measures in place we can place in Jeopardy our very life. And possibly the life of others. I believe our vulnerabilities today are often exposed by those that would do Us harm . Quite frankly, many times  our Behavior will often be questioned and tested. There are those that think that an scrupulous Behavior will go unnoticed Just because that behavior was conducted behind closed doors or in Secret. But In the Book of Luke 12 chapter we read “ All your actions shall be brought to light, either in this world or in the next. Wherefore take great care never to do any thing which cannot bear the light, but let the whole of your behaviour be fair, honest, and good.” This verse does not condemn secret behavior but it does defines the type of secret behavior.  if our behavior Is done behind closed doors, then it must ...

Healing is for you

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. Isaiah 53:5 AMP


"Barriers"  There are many uses for barriers in our lives, whether they are the structural material types or the spiritual type that are place by God to shield the believer from various dangers or calamities that would surely take them out. I believe barriers with spiritual purpose will always allow those who love God the option to lower that barrier but not the integrity it possess. It is the lowering of the barrier not standards that will allow some unsaved individuals to find Christ in the believer's life testimony. A fence is a barrier that will keep things in and it will keep things out.  In the book of Job we find that Job has an hedge or fence around him.  supposedly placed by God. Now the devil recognized the hedge as protection for Job but he wanted it removed to prove a point and cause Job to curse or doubt God.but the devil failed to see that the power was not in the 'hedge' but the power was in the faith Job had in God to provide whatever he needed....

Keep It Moving

During the Christmas Holidays, I was attending a program at a local church where we as a family like to worship.  The service was awesome and was well attended with people from every background which made it even better because people can experience the love of Jesus Christ and take it to their own communities and spread it throughout. Which brings me to this point, at the end of the service I was greeting various ones in the crowd as we were being dismissed by the Pastor, then I walked over to some of my family members who were  sitting nearby and now standing in a circle talking. Then one them said directly to me,"what are you doing" I replied "nothing, just holding my wife's  purse while she converse with others. this seemed a  little strange coming from this person because  he could plainly see what I was doing at this time there was nothing else for me to do but that. Even in the natural response I felt strange saying 'I am doing nothing'. But I k...