Hope for the hopeless
In recent months many communities and urban cities have been labeled as being hopeless. These neighborhoods have this labeling because many of the traits that its inhabitants display are considered to be hopeless or without hope. .Hopelessness is a direct result of a situation in which a Community may exist in. When people are hopeless they sometimes do desperate things in the midst of that hopelessness in order to survive. Many times that move of desperation is not positive and will not bring forth positive results unless someone or something has built trust into Their lives. . That trust is all about love and respect for our fellow man. Many people do not respect or trust anything or anyone. but that's living in fear in fear sometimes brings about desperation and that desperation can causes irrational Behavior, resentment, hatred,and ignorance toward each other. When Jesus ministered he always ministered to the heart and spirit of others. Even when he performe...