"Barriers" There are many uses for barriers in our lives, whether they are the structural material types or the spiritual type that are place by God to shield the believer from various dangers or calamities that would surely take them out. I believe barriers with spiritual purpose will always allow those who love God the option to lower that barrier but not the integrity it possess. It is the lowering of the barrier not standards that will allow some unsaved individuals to find Christ in the believer's life testimony. A fence is a barrier that will keep things in and it will keep things out. In the book of Job we find that Job has an hedge or fence around him. supposedly placed by God. Now the devil recognized the hedge as protection for Job but he wanted it removed to prove a point and cause Job to curse or doubt God.but the devil failed to see that the power was not in the 'hedge' but the power was in the faith Job had in God to provide whatever he needed....