Your prayer chamber
I believe that the prayer chamber is a place of intimate conversation with God that in itself is enough for us to believe that this place of solitude or extreme serenity and yet intimate conversation between God and man must be used more today. The prayer chamber or prayer closet is more than just the place of meditation or place to decompress from a day of chaos and confusion in your life it is the place where you are focused in on the Almighty and the things that he is trying to show you for you life,it is a place of worship and a place of humility. When we need answers or directions then we need to enter into a prayer Chamber and cast our cares upon him who loves us even when we miss The mark. If you are a believer then the prayer chamber is the place for you! The chamber does not have to be a physical place, you can just close your eyes and focus in on the presence of God and He will meet you there.